If you arrive from the north:
The output and 'the Fonteblanda / Talamone, about 20 km after grosseto south, after going out from Aurelia keep the DX at the first intersection towards Talamone, the bay will open unmistakable front of you, proceed for about 400 meters up to a curve DX, where on the left you will find a first stand used as a camper, then continue straight on the main road for about 1 km, where, on the DX, you will find the TALAMONE cAMPING VILLAGE (only this campsite in the area), we are in the beach front of the camping.
If you arrive from the south:
The output and 'the Fonteblanda / Talamone, about 5km after the village Albinia, after exiting from Aurelia, the first stop go to SX, arrived at the crossroads of the village of Fonteblanda turn DX Talamone, after about 200 mt Bay will open unmistakable front of you, proceed for about 400 meters up to a curve to the right, where on the left you will find a first stand used as a camper, then continue straight on the main road for about 1 km, where, on the DX, you will find the TALAMONE CAMPING VILLAGE (only this campsite in the area), we find ourselves in front of the camping beach.
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