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This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.
OurS.U.Pschoolorganizes coursesthroughout the yearfor beginners, intermediateoradvanced levels, we also manufacturea wide varietyof excursions andcrossingsbetween the Bay ofTalamone, thedell'uccellnapark andtheArgentario.
The programwill be basedon atheoretical and apractical, while theactual useof each coursewill depend onthe weather conditionsand in any casewill consist ofat least three days. Prerequisitesfor participationare tobegood swimmers.
•The marine environment, waves, elementaryconcepts of meteorology, theBeaufortscale.•Thewater safety. The risks arisingfrom the practice ofStandUp Paddlingandhow to avoid them. •TheSUP board,body position(stance) forpaddlingandwave riding.Differencesbetween the tableandsupa normallongboard.•The leash, when to use itandwhat length. •Theconfigurationof the fins(fin) monofin, Twinzer, thruster(ortrifin) quadrifin. •The oar, calculationof the lengthdepending on the heightof therider. alternatingpaddlingtechnique.•Therowingand theroweffect. How to avoid itand how totake advantage,
• Verification ofnaturalsurfedstance. •Balance exercisesdry. •The transportof the table andtheentry into the water. • Learning thetechniquesof balanceandrowing. •The controlcirclethenormalrowingandrowing"reverse" fast. •Techniquesandcrashrecovery.